Labour Migration Media Programme

African Women in Media (AWiM), in partnership with the African Union (AU), International Labour Migration (ILO) and International Organization for Migration (IOM), have launched the Labour Migration Reporting Programme.

The programme features the Labour Migration Media AWards, Labour Migration Reporting Training Programme, and research into the lived experiences of labour migration journalists in Africa. As part of our Visibility Project, AWiM is also working with Wikimedia communities in Nigeria, Uganda, Cameroon and Algeria, to train women journalists on how to write on Wikipedia, and create more profiles and articles on labour migration in Africa.

Labour Migration Media Awards

With labour migration becoming an increasingly important policy issue, the Labour Migration Media Awards aims to celebrate and honour African journalists committed to labour migration issues in their reportage. It is envisaged that the project will culminate in the establishment of a community of practice of journalists reporting on labour migration in Africa.

The awards are open to all African journalists, and entries must be published or broadcast with an Africa based media organisation. As such, in recognition of the important contributions of journalists to Labour Migration Reporting, we are pleased to announce the following award categories:

  1. Migrants’ Rights,
  2. Remittance and Diaspora Contributions to Development,
  3. Governance of Labour Migration,
  4. Gender-based Migration,
  5. Economic Impact of Migration,
  6. Migration and Health,
  7. Intra-African Migration,
  8. Fair recruitment, forced labour and human trafficking of migrant workers
  9. Labour Migration News Team of the Year

Click here to find out more on the awards rules and eligibility

The Research

Africa has embraced both global and continent-wide development frameworks which recognize the vital role of migration in Africa’s transformation. The broad objective of the research is to capture their lived experiences of women journalists in Africa, whose work focuses on labour migration in Africa. The study will identify possible strategies, responses and interventions that could improve the working conditions of women journalists.

Labour Migration Reporting Training

Africa has embraced both global and continent-wide development frameworks which recognise the vital role of labour migration in Africa’s transformation. The Labour Migration Reporting Training Programme aims to develop the capacity of 200 women African journalists reporting on labour migration in Africa. The programme will house five courses developed for online and self-paced delivery. Register to be one of the 200 women journalists on the programme opens on 04 November 2020. To register your interest please complete this form

Wikimedia Training

As part of our commitment to increasing the visibility of African women globally, we work with Wikimedia Nigeria to run training and editathons. The focus of this training round will be on labour migration in Africa. To register your interest please complete this form.

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C.E.O & Co-founder, AWiM

Dr Yemisi Akinbobola is an award-winning journalist, academic, consultant and co-founder of African Women in Media (AWiM). AWiM’s vision is that one-day African women will have equal access to representation in media. Joint winner of the CNN African Journalist Award 2016 (Sports Reporting), Yemisi ran her news website IQ4News between 2010-14.
Yemisi holds a PhD in Media and Cultural Studies from Birmingham City University, where she is a Senior Lecturer. She has published scholarly research on women’s rights, African feminism, and journalism and digital public spheres. She was Editorial Consultant for the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 commemorative book titled “She Stands for Peace: 20 Years, 20 Journeys”, and currently hosts the book’s podcast.
She speaks regularly on issues relating to gender and media. In 2021 she was recognized as one of 100 Most Influential African Women.