By David Biwott
Biola Alabi, the Executive Director of Biola Alabi Media was the first keynote speaker after Dr. Yemisi Akinbobola’s opening remarks.
Biola spoke with passion and enthusiasm about women empowerment and more specifically on how women can be assisted to break the glass ceiling using digital technology. Her testimony working in big organizations, and later going back to Nigeria venturing into TV and movies, was indeed a game changer in the way women are perceived in the society. Biola was perturbed on how African newspapers report on women issues with a lot of negative framing, citing the example of the hostile framing of Caster Semenya.
The eloquent director insisted more than once that women need to showcase their power. They need to learn how to stay peaceful in work environment and also make decisions very quickly like their male counterparts. She reiterated further that women who have influence should play the connector role and enable other women in media to tell their stories. When women share their stories, the prevailing perception of them being always quiet would be demystified.
As a parting shot, Biola reminded participants about reciprocating their support to those who supported them to the level they have reached. She politely said that it is courteous to celebrate and shout out to people who gave so much support. And most importantly, women should celebrate themselves for the achievements they have made so far.

As a beneficiary of AWiM19 scholarship, I believe women journalists have equal chance as male counterparts. They need courageous women leaders who can light their path- the way AWiM and many other related organizations are doing. It is also important for media houses to have media policies that ensure gender parity is reduced and also issues of women in leadership upward bullying is addressed. This could be done by empowering women to have their network within media industries which will enable them to talk and share their stories.